
“创新·未来”学术交流研讨会金属材料增材制造领域专场(总第6场) 米兰理工联合设计与创新学院 发布于2024-12-06 09:28〔已被读 310 次〕




线上会议 Mircrosoft Teams会议号: 391 585 931 638

入会密码: Zx6ptu





  1. Bianca Maria Colosimo, full professor, research interests:

 Smart manufacturing, particularly using machine learning and big data mining to optimize, control, and monitor manufacturing processes, with a special focus on additive manufacturing and bioprinting.

  1. Stefano Flotetti, full professor, research interests:

The structural integrity of mechanical components with particular attention to the problems related to fatigue strength under multiaxial stress.

  1. Leonardo Caprio, associate professor, research interests:

Developing industrial processes for the e-Mobility sector and studying monitoring approaches for sustainable technologies for Industry 4.0.

  1. Marco Luigi Giuseppe Grasso, associate professor, research interests:

Industry 4.0, Machine Learning and Additive Manufacturing, with a focus on smart manufacturing solutions, quality data analysis and in-line process monitoring applied to big data, sensor signals and video-image data.


联系人:杨志勤 电话:88960094  邮箱:yangzhiqin@xjtu.edu.cn


